Federal Historic Tax Credits
With an in-depth understanding of all the intricacies associated with historic tax credit certification, including the appeal process, Heritage has secured approvals for federal historic tax credits for projects totaling billions in investment.
State Historic Tax Credits
Heritage has expertise in coupling state and federal historic tax credits, having completed projects in most states that offer the additional incentive.
Historic Real Estate Due Diligence
Heritage assesses properties under consideration for redevelopment to identify potential for various opportunities and incentives including development incentive opportunities, pathway for designation, potential HTC certification issues and redevelopment feasibility analyses.
Investor Representation Due Diligence
Heritage provides investors and lenders with Historic Tax Credit representation to protect their investments, ensuring timely issuance of Part 3 certification, independently assessing HTC applications, and identifying potential areas of exposure.
Window Services
Our staff includes a window expert with unparalleled experience in window surveying, drawing, and replacement advisory.
Historic Design Review
We represent our clients in local, state, and federal agency negotiations, help to navigate regulatory compliance, and strategize public outreach.
Heritage has extensive experience completing preservation easement documentation and monitoring, historic building documentation, and Section 106 compliance.
Historic Designation
Heritage specializes in completing nominations for the National Register of Historic Places, as well as local landmark designations.