Normally, this column provides real-life examples of successful federal historic tax credit (HTC) developments. Often these are linked with other investment tools, such as low-income housing tax credits, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Rental Assistant Demonstration (RAD) funding or other sources. Read Full Article Here

HTCs and RAD Projects on a Smaller Scale: The Case of Liberty Village and Liberty Square in Groesbeck, Texas
While historic tax credits (HTC) are instrumental in rehabilitating grand monumental properties, they can also be critical resources for preserving public housing, particularly when combined with other resources. Read Full Article Here

The Challenges of Historic Tax Credit Projects with Multiple Small Buildings
When embarking on a historic tax credit (HTC) project, it is easy to assume that small developments will be easier than larger developments, the assumption being that smaller buildings have fewer issues or require less vigorous HTC applications. Read Full Article Here

The Changing Needs of Hotels Create HTC Challenges
At first glance, rehabilitating a historic hotel using historic tax credits (HTCs) for continued use as a hotel seems straightforward. However, these projects can pose a variety of challenges due to the ever-changing needs of modern hotels. There can be a mismatch between old hotels and new hotels when it comes to the provision of services, […]

Mid-Century Retail Spaces: Challenges and Opportunities for HTC Rehabilitations
The notion of a historic rehabilitation generally conjures up images of Victorian late-19th century or early 20th century classical architecture. Read Full Article Here

Three Considerations When Twinning HTC, LIHTC
Rehabilitation developments often use both the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit (HTC) and the low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) to meet the bottom line while still providing quality affordable units.

Rehabbing a Single Historic Building with Multiple Owners
At first blush, property ownership seems like a simple issue. Read Full Article Here

Historic Rehabilitation Opportunities for Public Housing: A Q&A with HUD Federal Preservation Officer Nancy E. Boone
The development of any society is often reflected in the resulting built environment. Read Full Article Here

Historic Tax Credits and HUD’s Rental Assistance Program: Opportunities Found
Over the years, twinning the federal Historic Tax Credit (HTC) program with low-income housing tax credits (LIHTCs) has become a common approach to preserving and revitalizing aging public housing complexes. Read Full Article Here

Sizing Replacement Windows to the Highest Standards
Windows are an integral component of a building’s exterior, which visually organize a façade and gracefully recede into and complement a building’s structure. Read Full Article Here

Retaining Character: Tying History into Interior Design
A common misconception about historic tax credit (HTC) rehabilitation projects is that the state historic preservation office (SHPO) and National Park Service (NPS) only have purview over exterior work, when in reality, interior design is a critical component in the review process, which may lead to approval or denial. Read Full Article Here…

Lessons Learned from Adaptive Reuse of Building to Become a School
Adapting historic buildings for new uses in a historic tax credit (HTC) development often hinges on the ability to find a compatible use, so what happens when a school needs to undertake an adaptive reuse project on a historic building that was not previously used as a school? Read Full Article Here..