Using historic tax credits (HTCs) and
successfully completing a hotel rehabilitation
project is a logical choice to cater to the
growing group of heritage-minded tourists. However,
these projects can pose a variety of challenges…

Using historic tax credits (HTCs) and
successfully completing a hotel rehabilitation
project is a logical choice to cater to the
growing group of heritage-minded tourists. However,
these projects can pose a variety of challenges…
Certain building types, including hotels and residential buildings, often use canopies in the design of the main entrances. Canopies create a transitional space for users of the building between the public street and the private space of the building. The adaptive reuse of such buildings, particularly for hotels or apartments, may benefit from the introduction […]
For a project of benefit from historic tax credits (HTCs), a building must be considered a “certified historic structure,” a path that isn’t always simple.
While America’s love of the open road is legendary, it’s the utilitarian need to park our cars which has a greater impact when it comes to our buildings. While none of us were around, I’m sure one of the first questions after the awe of seeing Henry Ford’s Model T roll down Main Street was […]
Successfully navigating the historic tax credit (HTC) process quite often is the result of anticipating a project’s challenges. Nothing derails a schedule and budget more than being caught off guard by unexpected conditions tied to the Part 2 review, particularly ones that return the project back to basic design development.
Many historic tax credit (HTC) developments involve the construction of an addition onto a historic building to accommodate a proposed programmatic use. Construction of additions is often possible in a HTC project, so long as there is demonstrated need for an addition and provided the addition is designed in a manner that preserves the character of the historic building and is appropriate […]
If the owner of a recently acquired building wishes to pursue the 20 percent federal historic tax credit (HTC), but that building is also subject to local design review, what does it mean for the rehabilitation project? How will it affect the HTCs? There seems to be a myth that there is one all-encompassing historic design review, but nothing could be […]
Water power is as viable today as ever and is being reconnected to provide electricity on historic tax credit (HTC) projects involving mill buildings large and small, providing opportunities to re-establish historic hydropower technologies as a cost effective power source in HTC projects.
There is often wide disagreement about the significance of–and need to preserve–upper-floor corridors in historic tax credit (HTC) developments. Upper-floor corridors were frequently utilitarian in older buildings. They were formed of hollow clay tile with a flat plaster finish. Floors were often terrazzo, though sometimes marble, with a marble or wood base.
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